Monday, June 11, 2007

Is the Ride of the Bull Over?

You may be doingthe wise thing to take some of your

out of the stockmarket. Some analysts are predicting that the ride of the bull is over. Price/earnings ratios are too high, interest rates are going up, and a lot of
big institutonal investors will be investing more in the bond market.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Get your Money Making Funds at Wachovia.

Now you can also buy stocks, bonds, funds, and all kinds of

at Wachovia.
Perhaps Donald Trump is right, we may need an Alan Greenspan to guide the economy. The economy had its worst quarter in more than 4 years.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ralph Lauren and Polo

Ralph Lauren is going great guns. It's nice to see a company with such great products
do really swell.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Stay Home this weekend, save your money

McDonald's earnings keep on growing. There has been quarterly earning growth for the
past 4 years. You will be paying dearly to travel this holiday weekend. Gas is at
its highest price ever.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

What's going on? Bill Barker's Viewpoint

Please read this article published on the Motley Fool Website at
Today's Historic Bubble and the One Guarantee
By Bill Barker May 22, 2007
Recently, you may have seen that there have been wide divergences in opinion about whether we're in the most spectacular bubble ever seen, or at a pretty decent time and place to invest new funds.

Such is always the case.

This time around, Jeremy Grantham, well-known skeptic, who has called a few bear markets correctly in his career, has written to his clients that we are in the middle of a bubble of historic proportions. "Everything is in bubble territory," he says. "Everything. The bursting of this bubble will be across all countries and all assets."


Seriously, yikes
Bubbles are a scary thing. The mere use of the term portends losses of 50%, 60% -- even 80% for broad asset classes. Something as prominent as the Nasdaq 100 (Nasdaq: QQQQ), led by stalwarts such as Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), Cisco Systems (Nasdaq: CSCO), and (Nasdaq: AMZN), managed to lose 80% of its value between 2000 and 2003. Today, the most popular place to look for a bubble is the international markets, with indexes captured by exchange-traded funds such as iShares China 25 (NYSE: FXI) or iShares MSCI Brazil (AMEX: EWZ) getting the most attention.

Meanwhile, Warren Buffett, long-term investor extraordinaire and occasional soothsayer about overpriced markets himself, has been very recently quoted as saying that today's prices, while not exceptionally cheap, are nevertheless acceptable.

Who's right? And is it necessary to know who's right before getting started investing?

Always trust the Australians
On this point, I'll defer to Australian personal finance writer Noel Whittaker, who I think sums up a truism about the market as well as I recall ever seeing. He writes, "Life is full of uncertainties. Future investment earnings and interest and inflation rates are not known to anybody. However, I can guarantee you one thing ... those who put an investment program in place will have a lot more money when they come to retire than those who never get around to it."

The truth is that there are always extremely well-informed opinions by investors with solid track records stating that now is not the time to invest. And it may not be. It certainly isn't the exact moment in time to put all of your money into one limited asset class -- but only because it never is. Whether today's mispriced asset class turns out to be international stocks, domestic small-cap stocks, real estate, junk bonds, gold, baseball cards, or oil futures -- no one can guarantee. (Though many will have opinions.)

The Foolish bottom line
The key to a healthy and happy retirement is to have a savings and investment plan, start as early as possible with it, allocate savings into a diversified portfolio, and have the discipline to keep it up over as many decades as you have available.

The usual carrot -- and it's a great one -- to get investors to start early with their savings, and to remain disciplined in adding to their investments, is to show the spectacular returns available through investments' compound returns. This page here should convince you.

If you're interested in learning more about how asset allocation can keep you away from truly suffering from any burst bubbles, how keeping the costs of a lifetime of investing at the minimum radically alters your retirement, and how adding small bits of judiciously managed higher-potential-rewards stocks to your portfolio can keep you pointed toward a fabulous retirement, take a 30-day no-risk free trial of Robert Brokamp's Rule Your Retirement service. We've had great success in helping to educate our readers about the rewards of a lifetime of saving, planning, and investing. That's our one guarantee.

Bill Barker does not own shares of any company mentioned in this article. Microsoft is a Motley Fool Inside Value recommendation. is a Stock Advisor pick. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Watch you Funds carefully

Do you have any

indexed to the Dow. The Dow went briefly over
13,600. Will it make it to 14,000. Is there still steam left in the bull? Is
the market overheated? Should I be buying or selling?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Bull is not out of energy, yet

S&P reaches was less than 3 points shy of its all time record set in March, 2002.
Great news if you have money invested in an index fund tied to the S&P or if
you have a federal employees thift savings account invested in the C fund.